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PYI & EMERGENSEA help customers in Corona crisis

1. Boat inspection
It is offered to a boat owners which, due to free movement of people restrictions, weren’t able to reach their boats. Now they have the possibility to ask for a free inspection of their boat at berth: how she is moored, are the fenders set well, is everything else on deck in order. So they get a brief report and several photos, all this for free! If boat owner asks for more information about his boat, it can be arranged as well: for example interior checkup and ventilation, engine starting, battery charging and similar.
2. Comprehensive assistance at sea

When you start cruising, and we believe it will be possible soon, another important news is about free assistance at sea. Namely, when choosing full hull insurance (casco) policy we are giving you free of charge Standard package of EmergenSea assistance at sea for 2020! Why are we talking about comprehensive assistance, what is the difference? Some insurers offer free assistance at sea which includes very few services, while PYI offers the most complete assistance package provided by renowned EmergenSea. This network for help at sea covers 21 bases in the Adriatic including Slovenia and Montenegro as well as 12 years of experience during which they proved to be reliable partner when providing services to PYI customers. Our cooperation begun in 2008 while in 2016 the relationship was strengthened even more when it was agreed that PYI policy holders get 30% discount for EmergenSea services.

Comprehensive assistance services now include towing for up to 10 NM, boat escort for up to 10 NM, berthing the boat, simple refloating, diving up to 30 minutes, fuel or spare parts delivery, as well as transfer for two passengers. The only requirements for the mentioned free assistance are that insurance policy has been settled and that boat is for private (non-commercial) use. Find more at:


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